Thursday, March 8, 2012


...and in my opinion, I got too much of it. That's why I'm here. Call it holding myself accountable for all to see. Call it self-serving BS. Call it what you like, but I can't help but think that if I write about it, I might succeed. I'm just like a lot of you, I know I am. I attempt to diet, succeed for a while and then give up. I eat well and then don't exercise. OR I exercise and eat like crap and all the while I do the cha cha with self-loathing about how I look. I erase pics because I look chunky. I say "thank you" if people tell me I look great and secretly think they are just trying to be nice. I undoubtedly KNOW I look way fatter than I did before I had my twins. AND I can say all the normal and true mommy things that my girls mean way more to me than my saggy belly skin, stretched out stomach muscles and fat...but the bottom line is I haven't dealt with the post babies body like I should. I literally haven't worked my ass off to fix it. But now it's time...

Who's with me?

Wait, there should be a plan, right? Right..a evil, fat sucking, badonkadonk shrinking, muscle toning plan that somehow miraculously works in both motivation and consistency. And somehow I have to make it happen...

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